It's applications in petroleum and phosphatic fertilizer production and in cooling water treatment are introduced. 并介绍了在石油工业、磷肥生产与工业循环冷却水中的应用。
Strengthening the precaution for phosphatic compound fertilizer to ensure the food safety 强化磷复肥预警工作,保障粮食安全
Effect of Phosphatic Fertilizer on Growth of Rice on Zinc Deficient Soil 磷肥施用量对缺锌土壤上水稻生长的影响
For investigating the crop effectiveness and comparing the effectiveness of acid materials with that of phosphatic fertilizer, furfural residue, ferrous sulfate and sulphur powder, which were good for the effect according to the preceding experiment, were selected to be tested. 由此选出比较理想的糠醛渣、硫酸亚铁和硫磺粉进行了田间试验,探讨其生物效应,并与磷肥进行了比较。
Suggestions on Technical Renovation of Five Major Phosphatic Fertilizer Projects with Localized "Slurry Process" for Ammonium Phosphates 以国产化料浆法磷铵技术改造五大磷肥工程的建议
The study on diagnosis of phosphorus nutrient and pattern of requirment of phosphatic fertilizer 水稻磷素营养诊断及磷肥施用量模式的研究
An introduction is given to the present status of and problems in the phosphatic and compound fertilizer industry in Guizhou Province, and tentative ideas and suggestions for the sustainable development of such an industry are offered by readjustment of the product mix. 介绍了贵州省磷复肥工业的现状以及目前存在的问题,同时也提出了通过调整产品结构来达到磷复肥工业可持续发展的设想,以及建议。
The plant capacity, product output and its mix, the technical level in phosphatic compound fertilizer industry in Guizhou province are introduced. 介绍贵州省目前磷复肥各品种的装置生产能力、实际产量、产品结构、技术水平。
Present Status of Product Structure of Phosphatic Fertilizer Industry in Yunnan Province and Development Suggestions 云南省磷肥工业产品结构的现状及发展建议
Characteristics of soil phosphorus and the response of crop yield to phosphatic fertilizer in some important soil groups. Liaoning Province 辽宁省主要土壤的供磷特点及磷肥肥效
The availabilities of Pb and Cd in rhizosphere of red soil would drop with adding phosphatic fertilizer. 增施磷肥红壤根际有效态铅、镉的活性降低。
Results also showed that the phosphorus adsorption maximum calculated from Langmuir equation could be considered as a reference for rational application of phosphatic fertilizer. 根据Langmuir方程求出的土壤磷素吸附容量(Xm),可作为合理施用磷肥的参考。
The mon-factorial and interaction effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizer on the protein content were affected by other factors. 氮、磷、钾肥对大豆蛋白质含量的单因素效应、二因素互作效应受到其它因素水平的影响。
Present status and prospect of large-sized home-made high-analysis phosphatic compound fertilizer plants in Yunnan province 云南国产化大型高浓度磷复肥装置的现状与前景
Retrospect on the Production of Guixi Fertilizer Plant and Some Suggestions on Development of Phosphatic Compound Fertilizer 贵溪化肥厂生产回顾及对磷复肥工业发展的建议
The future characteristics of high-analysis phosphatic compound fertilizer industry in Yunnan province include such 3 aspects as the large-sized plants with most domestic technology& equipment, the relatively centralized productive bases, and an important part of world's phosphatic compound fertilizer industry. 今后几年,随着国家级大型高浓度磷复肥基地的快速建设,云南高浓度磷复肥工业将以大型化的国产装置为主,生产区域相对集中,成为全球高浓度磷复肥工业的重要组成部分。
Prospects for phosphatic compound fertilizer industry of Hebei Province in Eleventh Five-Year Plan 河北省磷复肥工业十一五发展前景
How to Eliminate Bottleneck in Phosphate Rock Resources in Face of China ′ s Flourishing Phosphatic Fertilizer Industry 蓬勃发展的中国磷肥工业如何面对磷矿资源瓶颈
Characters of phosphorus supply and response to phosphatic fertilizer in sandy soils 砂土供磷特性及磷肥效应研究
The effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizer on the content of protein in soybean were discussed by this model. 依据该模型探讨氮、磷、钾肥对大豆蛋白质含量影响的规律。
Relationship between the property of Langmuir equation of phosphate sorption isotherm of the Soll and the effect of supplying phosphatic fertilizer 土壤磷素Langmuir等温吸附特性与磷肥效果的关系
Some ll and overy phosphatic microfossils from South China the residual effect of phosphatic fertilizer in calcareous soil 华南兰多维列世几种磷灰质微体化石石灰性土壤中磷肥后效的研究
The action model was established for the effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizer on the content of protein by using orthogonal regression rotating method. 采用正交回归旋转设计方法,建立了氮、磷、钾肥对大豆蛋白质含量的综合作用模型。
Phosphate Rock Resources and Sustainable Development of Phosphatic Fertilizer Industry in China 我国磷矿资源与磷肥工业的可持续发展
Judgment of Degree of Shaft Damage of Blast Furnace for Phosphatic Fertilizer from External Wall Temperature 由外壁温度判断磷肥高炉炉体的破损程度
In the light of the impact of phosphatic and compound fertilizer products from abroad after China joined the WTO, an indirect analysis is made of the domestic production of these products, with emphasis on how to increase the competitiveness of the domestic products. 面对我国加入WTO后国外磷复肥产品的冲击,重点从如何提高我国磷复肥的竞争力入手,间接分析了我国磷复肥的生产前景。
Intensity of Phosphorus Absorption and the Amount of Phosphatic Fertilizer in Hutuo River 滹沱河流域土壤吸磷强度及磷肥施用量的研究
So among five kinds of environmental impact that come into being in phosphatic fertilizer production process, the solid waste environmental impact potential is the biggest, which means it is the most important environmental impact. 由此可见,在磷肥生产所造成的五类环境影响中,固体废物环境影响潜值最大,是最主要的环境影响;
Scientific application of phosphatic fertilizer and rational allocation of soil phosphorus have become the major question to be solved for developing our modern agriculture. 科学施用磷肥,合理配置土壤磷素,已成为我国发展现代农业所需解决的重大问题。